
Our case studies allow you to discover how we have deployed Aquiweb in companies from different industries. Our know-how allows us to manage projects in less than 3 months. The return on investment is also very fast.

For more information: What is the return on investment with Aquiweb MES software?

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Food & Beverage
Bar turning and mechanical subcontracting
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Industrial carpentry
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AB Packaging

As a packaging specialist, AB Packaging offers its customers a complete range of services: from the management of UV offset printing to the manufacture of packaging, HF blister packs made of one material or with a cardboard visual insert.
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Applications Industrielles Plastiques (AIP)

This company specializes in the manufacture of technical parts based on plastics.

Artzainak Group

Founded in 1985, ARTZAINAK is an industrial group based in the Basque Country, in Mauléon-Licharre (64). It designs, manufactures and markets a wide range of solutions and products for a variety of sectors: aeronautics, construction and public works, boating, the environment and energy.
Logiciel MES, suivi de production, plasturgie, injection


Astic Injection is an expert in precision injected plastic parts made of high-tech polymer materials

Bouillard (ANVI Group)

Bouillard SAS belongs to the ANVI group, which has been specialized in injection molding since 1945, and in extrusion-blowing since 1969. The company designs and produces innovative and eco-designed plastic parts.
Logiciel MES, suivi de production, textile industrie

Bricq SAS

Bricq SAS is ioneer in the production of heavy textiles destined for industrial use.
suivi de production, amélioration continue, logiciel MES

Cera Engineering

Cera Engineering designs and manufactures special machines.

Elydan (5 sites)

The Elydan Group has been designing efficient and sustainable solutions to preserve energy and the environment for over 60 years. It manufactures lines of recyclable plastic products for road infrastructure, construction and other applications.


Gilac is a manufacturer of food containers. The company supports many professionals on a daily basis: collective catering, commercial catering, food industry, bakery, catering trades and medical establishments.


GPI is the world leader in the design and manufacture of casino chips and tokens. These items are personalized by casino as are banknotes by country.
Entreprise Louis Lemoine (Pierre Martinet)

Louis Lemoine (Pierre Martinet)

Louis Lemoine specializes in the production of salads and salted pastries. Its products are sold under the brand "Pierre Martinet".
Logiciel MES, Aquiweb, Suivi de la production, performance industrielle, Equipementier, automobile, éclairage

Luxor Lighting

Luxor Lighting is a major player in the automotive lighting market. The company specializes in the design, development and industrialization of exterior and interior lighting systems for car manufacturers


Mecaroanne manufactures crushers, shredders for industry


Microplast is a plastics company recognized by many innovative industrial leaders specialized in the electrical, automotive, construction, medical and food industries.
Logiciel MES, Aquiweb, suivi de production, qualité, performance industrielle, plasturgie

Mora (3 sites in Europe)

Mora manufactures plastic parts by injection for various sectors such as medical, cosmetics, electronics, etc.


MPM (Moulages Plastiques du Midi) is a company specialized in the transformation of plastic materials. A finishing workshop allows us to provide a complete service and to deliver sub-assemblies to customers (machining, assembly, ultra-sound welding).

Plast Moulding

Specialized in the manufacture of plastic parts, Plast Moulding uses the Aquiweb MES software in a continuous improvement approach and puts the operator back at the heart of the process.
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Logiciel MES, suivi de production, injection plastique

Plastitek (3 sites)

Plastitek est expert en injection plastique.


Plastyrobel is a manufacturer of products and packaging made of expanded polystyrene by molding, cutting and machining.